Who is Shannon?

Shannon Singleton is a clinically trained social worker who holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Social Work. She has provided direct services and was the chief executive of several housing/homelessness nonprofits. She served as the Housing Policy Advisor and the Director of Equity and Racial Justice in the Office of Governor Kate Brown and most recently was the Interim Director of the City of Portland/Multnomah County Joint Office of Homeless Services. Shannon has served as a member of numerous boards and committees in the community focused on housing people with dignity and as an adjunct instructor in the PSU Graduate School of Social Work.

Shannon currently works for a Black owned consulting firm in Portland Area that specializes in Equity and Community Engagement.

Record of Results

  • Oversaw the development of hundreds of shelter beds, and made sure thousands of people got into permanent housing as the head of JOIN, a local homeless outreach provider; instituted the first mental health street outreach team at Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare; facilitated the agreement to include alternative shelters as part of our community’s shelter strategy as a leader at the Portland Housing Bureau and the head of the Joint Office of Homeless Services. I know what works, and I know what's not working now.

  • While in Governor Brown’s office, I brought together community leaders, the State, County, City of Portland, and Metro through facilitation of a values-based discussion to move the Rose Quarter Improvement Project forward; resolved disagreements between local governments, and built the case for a project that will create jobs and help Portland restore community in the historic Albina neighborhood.

  • As leader of the Oregon Racial Justice Council, secured $100 Million to expand Medicaid for thousands of Oregonians, funds to relocate Harriet Tubman Middle School, investments in the State’s first investment in restorative justice programs, and established the State’s first long-term rent assistance program with an initial focus on housing youth exiting foster care and other institutional settings.